The NCF Blog

NCF Blog

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GCC States and the war on Gaza

Since the war outbreak in Gaza, the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) has condemned Israel and its closest ally, the US , and calls for an immediate ceasefire. The Gulf states may hold the key to

An Indian Approach to Tackling Climate Change

The following written statement was compiled by The Next Century Foundation and submitted as a report on the strategies for addressing climate change, rooted in cultural the United Nations General Assembly under the auspices

Israel Shifts Its Focus To Lebanon. What’s the Story?

Almost two months have passed since Biden’s ceasefire proposal, yet the hostilities remain. These are the latest developments regarding the Israel – Hamas War, during the time from the 23rd June till the 15th of


Latest Updates and Thoughts on Russo-Ukrainian War

Since the previous update, several developments have taken place in the Russo-Ukrainian War. Below are the latest events with thoughts provided by NCF Research Officer Henry Y. Jeong: Attacks Continue in Ukraine On the 8th

Labour Party’s Manifesto: Stance on Gaza

In the past 14 years, global instability has escalated significantly. Conflict has re-emerged in the Middle East, which is plagued by severe violence and has intensified geopolitical rivalries and disruptive forces are actively sowing division

African child

The African Union and Palestinian Statehood

In recent years, African nations have taken a firm stance on the issue of Palestine’s statehood. All African countries, except Cameroon and Eritrea, have recognized the State of Palestine and have called for an independent


The use of Cluster Bombs must Cease

The Next Century Foundation delivered an oral intervention to the United Nations Human Rights Council’s 55th session on the need to end the use of cluster bombs. The NCF addresses the United Nations in the

Gaza children

Is the Gaza War set to continue indefinitely?

William restarts his series of Podcasts with this on the Gaza war. He argues the war will continue as long as Premier Netanyahu’s government remains in power, and that is at least another six months

Maritime aid for Gaza via Cyprus

Since the publishing of this blog the pier has been the centre of ongoing drama of the use of this port. It has been reopened and closed again due to hampered plans. The Pentagon said

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Healing the Nations

Healing the Nations 2023

Conference Programme We are excited to invite you to register to attend all or part of the Next Century Foundation’s ten-day Healing the Nations conference

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NCF Videos

The Changing Geopolitical dynamics of the Middle East

Ambassador Mark Hambley and William Morris of the NCF speak at the Policy Studies Organization conference in Washington on the changing political geopolitical dynamics of the Middle East in 2018

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